Sunday, January 25, 2009

Miss America 2009

The annual Miss America pageant premiered last night on TLC and it was everything we all hoped for, minus a clumsy fall from one of the contestants.  I know that sounds mean but lets be honest, we all like to see them trip.  Mario Lopez hosted, and if it weren't for his darling dimples I would have completely zoned him out.  
Now for the dresses: I know that it is "Miss America" but that does not mean that the contestants should dress like middle America.  The winner Miss Indiana Katie Stam decided to wear something from Elizabeth Berkley's closet in Showgirls.  Can that even be considered to be a "long" dress because it's sheer from the thigh down.  It honestly looks like something you would wear to a drunken Vegas wedding.  I mean, I'm not expecting Marchesa dresses but come on people.  Last nights dresses looked like they were bought at cache.

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